Saturday, December 15, 2007

hangin out

Was there ever anyone you really wanted to just hang out with? Somebody you really wanted to be around and just be there? Someone you respected or thought was ultra cool and that it would be a really cool thing if you could spend the day with them? Okay, say there was someone famous, or in a band that everyone knows, and you had the opportunity to just hang out for the day. They met you and after a little while thought you were pretty cool so they offered to let you tag along with them for the day. Would you go? We get like that when we meet someone famous, or at least I do. We meet them and think we will suddenly strike up such a wonderful conversation that it will somehow hit them that we are someone they should have a good daily dose of, and BOOM, we're in. And then we think, "I can't wait to tell everyone about this!" Then years later we will casually mention to strangers at parties how we are good friends with them.

I have a 19 month old, and if you have kids, you know they won't leave you alone in the bathroom. Especially if you are the only other person in the house. They just don't know the bathroom code of conduct and all they know is that you are in there, they aren't, and therefore there is something they are missing. Today it hit me. My daughter just really likes me that much. She wants to be around me, even if it means hangin out in the bathroom. She wants me to read her a book while I'm watching tv, or sit in my lap as I type this. She just knows that I am someone she wants to be around. I take this for granted or even miss the point many times. I think to myself or even tell her, "I'm busy doing something right now, you'll have to wait. Yes I know, I love you to." Just now, when she realized I am not going to pick her up and put her in my lap, she leans in and kisses my arm. I chuckle at first and then I sit back in amazement. She really likes me that much. She loves me and loves to be with me.

I'm so glad God isn't like me. But He really likes me that much. He loves me and loves to be with me. I was going to put this in the context of we should want to be with Him like we want to be with that famous person, but I just realized, to Him, we are that famous person that He wants to be around and then tell everyone about it later at parties.

I simply sit amazed and lost for words.

He really likes us that much.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am giving ol' Huckabee a second look. Perhaps I discounted him too early. Let's watch...

I guess its my fault

when you are as inconsistent as I am about updating your blog, I guess no one takes the time to vote on the poll you have on the left of this screen. Oh well. I will prolly just wait until the last minute to reveal the answer anyway. for now though, its T.J., and I like it. ;)

just when

I thought I had it all figured out, I realize I don't. Over the past month or so, my mind has been a whirlwind and I can't seem to even get my thoughts organized. I find that I am busy, but I don't even know with what. So I started reading again. And I also pulled some close friends even closer and was really authentic with them. I just finished a book called True Faced. Maybe you've got this grace thing all figured out. If you think you do, give this book a read. It may stir you.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bach-in It

Well, I don't know if any of you keep up with much TV, but my wife has been watching The Bachelor recently. Now, I currently despise these types of shows and even told her a few weeks ago while I joined her in watching an episode, that if my daughter was ever on a show like this, I will have failed as a father. The whole idea that after a couple of months, or however long the show takes, you are ready to marry someone because you have whittled away all of the other choices to me seems absurd. And most of them fail; big surprise. Even the premise of meeting someone among the perfect and dream-like atmosphere and carefully planned dream dates and that relationship surviving in the less than par real world seems to set this couple up for failure. Needless to say, I am not impressed with the whole lot of reality shows these days. Whatever happened to the one about the fiancee guy that was an actor and the girl thought it was real and had to introduce him to her parents so she could win a lot of money? He was really obnoxious and it was really funny. But you knew it was totally fake.

Anyway, one of the coolest things happened last week. It was down to the last two girls and the duke picked out a ring and he was expected to propose to one of them. Which meant that one would go home broken hearted. The guy turned both of them down. Both. You wanna know why? He wasn't in love with either. Good for you dude. I don't even know his name, but he chose not to go with either girl. He was and probably is still waiting for a real relationship. I applaud him. Hold out for the real thing and don't you dare compromise.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What's in a name?

So if you haven't read Freakonomics, I suggest it. It's intriguing reading. I just read the chapters last night on what makes a perfect parent. They don't claim to know, just put down some facts and statistics. Pretty interesting. Part of the chapter though contemplated whether or not the name you give a child affects them in life, or if it is a deciding factor on their outcome. I won't tell you how it goes, because I want you to read it (and it is rather exhaustive), but I will pose this to you:

My wife cannot decide on a name for our un-born daughter that is due late February. She has come up with a top three and left the decision up to me. Now, we wanted a "T" name for her first name and we have already decided her middle name will be "Joy". So I now put them out there for you to vote on and have the presumption that you will somehow sway my decision by how you vote. Enjoy!

(in no particular order)
1. Tatum
2. Toni
3. Tennille

Saturday, November 3, 2007


So I was praying last night and through a long conversation with the Lord, felt impressed to sell my beloved comic book collection. After all, none of its mine, its His. So I was researching online last night at midnight to find a place to sell them, I felt He spoke to me to give the money away. Okay, where? Then I remembered we are raising money this month for Champions for India. So I found a place online where I can sell the comics for free, meaning there is no charge to me to put them up for sale on this website, unlike ebay where you get hit with hidden fees. So, go to and look for the comics for sale by konsumer. Buy them. You'll actually be giving monies to families in India. Its a no-brainer.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Are you talking to me?

Tonight I had a Jr High girl come up to me after the service and ask me how I knew I was supposed to be a youth pastor. I explained the process and how everything fit for me when I was younger and blah blah blah. She then asked me if she was too young to hear God. Well of course the answer is absolutely not and I asked her if she has been hearing God speak to her lately. She said she felt like God told her when she was riding in her mom's van the other day she was supposed to go into the ministry. She said she was just looking out the windows at a tree they were driving by and just kinda heard this inside of her. Then like a day later felt like she heard she was supposed to be a youth pastor. But something bugs her that it might not be God. I love it when young people begin to hear the voice of God. We spend so much time trying to get them to talk and tell God everything I sometimes wonder if we have missed the classes on shutting up and being still and listening. I asked her if she wanted to be a youth pastor. Yes. I told her that God knows that and that He also knows we are human and sometimes have trouble hearing. I let her know that if that is really what God told her, He will confirm it in her, usually by someone else. She asked if I had any advice. Now I had just picked up a lost Bible that someone left under a seat. I held it up and said, "Get this in you. Really get in in you, in your mind and heart. It's words will help lead you in everything." I need some of my own advice. I also need to slow down so I can hear God speak when I'm doing something as simple as looking at a tree. These students teach me stuff all the time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


You ever feel like you are on Autopilot? I have felt that way for the past two weeks but now I feel like I am getting some depth and purpose. I have to feel passion about what I am doing. Otherwise, what's the use? I understand that taking the trash out just has to be done, but I'm talking about purposeful actions. Not just busy work. Lord knows I've been busy enough. Last weekend I heard Jimmy Evans preach and he got choked up when he talked about loving Jesus. That's where it is. Just find it again. If you are in the same boat, go back and really study the words of Jesus. He really said some powerful stuff and didn't mix words.

Monday, October 1, 2007

the move

Okay, so I moved this last weekend. Number 11 since Amy and I have been married. She's a good woman. Since she is pregnant and I'm tired and lazy and we had an apartment on the third floor, I hired movers. What a good experience! I will do that again and use the same guys!

We moved into a house, and when we looked at the house and signed the lease, the owner said there will be two weeks before we moved in and so she could complete a few repairs. We asked that she replace the carpet and she agreed. Well, the previous occupants moved out two days before we got there and they did replace the carpet but the place wasn't clean. I mean nasty not clean. I mean spilled food and dog hair in the fridge not clean. We spent the first two days cleaning instead of unpacking. Oh well, that unpleasantness is over (let's hope).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

duplicate yourself

Take the next 6 months and try it.

just do it

What do you need to do today? What is the one thing or the many things you are procrastinating? It seems I put something off everyday, or at least it used to. There are many things we can say about it. Baby steps, you eat an elephant one bite at a time, you've prolly heard more than me (prolly=probably). I remember several years ago my wife would get onto me because I would say I need to do something and then forget about it and then when I did remember it was too late. She told me to make a to do list everyday and as I finished one to mark it off the list, but renew the list and rewrite it everyday. I am now a habitual list writer. I love to be able to check things off the list.

So what is it? What do you need to get off your butt right now and do or at least start? The check book. Take out the trash. Write down your ideas. Write down a mission statement. Clean the garage. Clean out the fridge. Wash the car. Call the credit card company. Call your grandmother. Read. Water the plants. Feed the dog. Scrub the toilet. Clean the toothpaste out of the sink. Pay the speeding ticket. Watch the first season of Lost. Organize your pictures. Clean out your inbox. Do the laundry.


Friday, September 21, 2007

myname @ blogspot

so, as I recall when i started this blog, I tried to get my name dot blogspot. didn't happen. I didn't question it just created a new variation. but tonight I got to wondering and sure enough some doofus has . he hasn't left any posts. at all. any. so, if any of you know how to track down this mysterious waste of internet space, please give him a piece of my mind.

but this is not unusual. go to myname.blogspot or name.blogspot or any thing like that. it seems lots of people have had the great idea of getting the address but parking nothing there. thanks everybody. if you won't blog there then nobody will.

Oh yeah, is there anybody besides Chris that checks this out? anybody? oh well, glad I could be there for you Chris.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I really like good friends. I sometimes wonder, am I a good friend? Good friends are the ones you have good memories with, not just of. I have recently done some reconnecting with people I consider to be good friends. This gives me a good feeling inside. How many times can I write good? I got to wondering aloud tonight with a good friend, wouldn't it be great (not just good) if we could get all my good friends that have been leaders with me in the past together for a long weekend away?

I can't wait for heaven. It will be better than great.


Isn't it something how our perspective can be influenced and even changed so easily by others around us? Okay, I know we face many circumstances throughout the day, and no doubt we have an opinion about all of them, but we don't tell all of our opinions. We keep some to ourselves or at least we should. But what I'm talking about is just the little comments made to us by the several that get us thinking with a skewed perspective. Notice I didn't say wrong. One person or maybe even two people give their quick little quote and we don't give it too much credence, but let it be any more than that and here we go down a bumpy road. How do we keep the correct outlook? And who determines what the correct one is? For me it's constant prayer for the right perspective, not the left. I have found myself doing this a lot lately. I do think there can be times in our life that the masses around us are telling the truth for our own good, but shouldn't those times have a positive take? I mean it's the ones that are looking out for our own good (not selfish good). I want to always be able to spot the ones that may not necessarily put me in the healthy frame of mind. You know, the kind that says, well, you get the point. So then my next question is: why does it seem to be happening a lot lately? What are the things that would most likely distract me from what I am supposed to be focused on? Aha! Could that be it?

Lessons for the day: Don't be a victim and Don't worry about not understanding what isn't my business.


Sometimes I wonder about all the changes we go thru and we actually make in life; does it mean we don't have the capacity to reamin calm and stay at the same thing? There is something to be said for consistency. But change when it is in aspect or purpose of growth is a good thing. I heard someone say this morning that God is dynamic because he is ever changing in the realm of growing, He is about constant growth. As opposed to dynamic, God is not static because that is the stage that eventually leads to dying, or death. I say all of this because as leaders we are given to apologizing to the people we lead for all of the changes we drag them through. I want to challenge you on this. Do you apologize because it is just busy change or unneccesary change, or is it change for the sake of getting to a better place of growth and positioning yourself to a better platform to grow from? Lots of questions but it's good to be challenged on decisions, good or bad. I learned long ago to stop apologizing to people for the wrong things. If I am wrong and it affects you in a negative way, I need to apologize. If I ask you to do something that is necessary or bring about change on a regular basis and it stretches you, no need to apologize. If I do apologize for the latter, it on some level demeans or devalues what I am doing and therefore lowers what you are asked to do. This is the opposite of the desired affect and purpose. If I lead you in any area I want to instill you with a sense of purose and value. I need to affirm and build you through words, commitment and service. And then I ask, even require the same of you. No apology.

Let's be dynamic.

Monday, September 17, 2007


If you can, I highly suggest going mobile with your office and the internet. How did we ever live without mobile phones or text messaging or caller id or call waiting? I don't know but I have purposed to not live without it. I have a friend that whips out his mobile internet on his phone anytime someone asks a question he doesn't know. He's a wannabe know-it-all. :)

In the beginning ...

I see that most successful people share their thoughts and the things that keep them up at night so I thought I would scribe mine here. The only problem is that I am used to a regular sized keyboard and not this one that is on the laptop so don't be surprised if you see any typos.

Thought for the day, "It's okay to shoot for the moon but I don't enjoy black coffee."