Thursday, September 20, 2007


I really like good friends. I sometimes wonder, am I a good friend? Good friends are the ones you have good memories with, not just of. I have recently done some reconnecting with people I consider to be good friends. This gives me a good feeling inside. How many times can I write good? I got to wondering aloud tonight with a good friend, wouldn't it be great (not just good) if we could get all my good friends that have been leaders with me in the past together for a long weekend away?

I can't wait for heaven. It will be better than great.


Chris Kuykendall said...

that would be flippin' sweet.

You should just get all your old leaders down here to add on to your already awesome current set of superleaders!

jennifer waldron said...

I feel ya about getting together with your friends more.I see yall more than any of my close friends.Just busy and hard to get together ,with kids all going different directions.