Thursday, September 20, 2007


Sometimes I wonder about all the changes we go thru and we actually make in life; does it mean we don't have the capacity to reamin calm and stay at the same thing? There is something to be said for consistency. But change when it is in aspect or purpose of growth is a good thing. I heard someone say this morning that God is dynamic because he is ever changing in the realm of growing, He is about constant growth. As opposed to dynamic, God is not static because that is the stage that eventually leads to dying, or death. I say all of this because as leaders we are given to apologizing to the people we lead for all of the changes we drag them through. I want to challenge you on this. Do you apologize because it is just busy change or unneccesary change, or is it change for the sake of getting to a better place of growth and positioning yourself to a better platform to grow from? Lots of questions but it's good to be challenged on decisions, good or bad. I learned long ago to stop apologizing to people for the wrong things. If I am wrong and it affects you in a negative way, I need to apologize. If I ask you to do something that is necessary or bring about change on a regular basis and it stretches you, no need to apologize. If I do apologize for the latter, it on some level demeans or devalues what I am doing and therefore lowers what you are asked to do. This is the opposite of the desired affect and purpose. If I lead you in any area I want to instill you with a sense of purose and value. I need to affirm and build you through words, commitment and service. And then I ask, even require the same of you. No apology.

Let's be dynamic.

1 comment:

Chris Kuykendall said...

new name?

I can see it now. "Dynamic"