I have a Top Ten list. I know, it may sound a little cheesy, but I do. I've been doing youth ministry for a long time (since '94) and there are a few things I've learned along the way. A few years ago I traveled to India with a fellow pastor and while there we were scheduled to speak to some local youth leaders in Mumbai. A few hours before we were to speak to these leaders, my friend informed me that I need to come up with something to say. I was caught off guard as I thought he was going to be the one speaking to them. He mentioned something like I should do a list of the most important things I've learned in youth ministry, or something like that. Ok, I grew up watching David Letterman and his Top ten lists, so I'll do my own top ten list. On the spot I created and then somewhat refined a Top Ten list of the most important things I've learned in youth ministry. I have since gone back to it, reworked it, and taught on it several times. Is it comprehensive? Absolutely not. But it does get to the core of some of the most important things God has taught me over the years. Now, if I were to really take my time and think about the things I have learned I could come up with a bigger list, but I think I shall leave that until another day. If you get to the end of my Ten and need more (obviously), I strongly recommend Bill Hybels Axiom. Excellent read.
So in the following days and weeks, I will do my best to roll our my Top Ten things I have learned in Youth Ministry.
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