Monday, February 13, 2012


This week is my 5th anniversary of being on staff at Gateway Church. These last 5 years have been the best years of my life. It's not that I feel I have arrived, but I have grown so much and been blessed beyond measure as men of God have spoken and poured into my life. My family has grown and enriched my life in a way that I never could have imagined. I have learned so much about myself, been healed from so much, and learned (still learning) how to lead. I would go on and on but pages could be filled with what has happened in my life over the last 5 years.

But this whole process did not begin 5 years ago, I would say it has been my whole adult life. Actually, even when I was a teenager. God began preparing me for today a long time ago.

So this week I remember.

Deuteronomy 8 (the whole chapter) is a call to the nation of Israel to remember. To remember that even though they were in the wilderness, God was with them the whole time, leading them and providing for them. He fed them with manna and taught them that they live because of Him, not from their own hand. And, I love this, that for forty years "your clothes didn't wear out, and your feet didn't blister or swell."

You see, I've had wilderness experiences, and I struggled through them. I even complained while wandering just like the Israelites did. But today, as I remember, I was provided for, taught valuable lessons, and did not wear out. He was with me in my wilderness.

That's important for me to remember today, because just last week I was complaining. If you read later on in Deuteronomy 8 (vs 11-17) the Lord tells them to be careful and not forget the Lord when they enter the land of plenty. Remember who you were, when you were a slave in Egypt. Remember where you were, in the terrifying wilderness with many dangers. Remember that He has always provided and taken care of you.

What do you need to remember this week?

Are you going through the wilderness now? Make sure you remember later on. He's with you and He's teaching you.

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