Thursday, September 29, 2011

Art Work

I have 2 young children and they love to create "art work" for me and my wife. Sometimes it's really cool and sometimes it's just scribbles. But we are all very proud of it and I am especially proud to get the art that is made specifically for me. It will probably never bring millions of dollars and not be appreciated by anyone else other than me and their mom.

Did you know that you are the art work of God? Did you know that as your father in heaven (Matt 6:26) God is the one that appreciates you the most?

Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Yes, God sees you as wonderful and beautiful! After all, He made you in His image! God's image! You are a work of art fashioned after God.

Genesis 1:26a, 27
26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.
27 So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Today, stop believing any lie that says you are ugly or that God made a mistake when He made you. He knew exactly what He was doing when He created and fashioned you. Maybe others can't appreciate your beauty, but He is amazed by you and is so proud of you. Spend time thinking about these scriptures and asking God what He loves most about you today.

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