Tuesday, May 12, 2009

immediate gratification

What are you investing in? Stock market? Retirement? Your home? Your yard? Your spouse? Your children? Ministry?

Each of these things take time. Each of them require a certain amount of your attention, some more than others. Try not to have instant expectations. I've often heard and often quote that anything worth having is worth working for, even working hard.

You see, God isn't restless, we are. God doesn't get tired or grow weary with His plan, but we do. He is specific, coordinated and thought out. He does not fly by the seat of His pants and he does not make it up as He goes, but we do.

What in your life needs more of an investing touch? Remember, you cannot make time, you can only take it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

do it for free

would you do what you do for free? I heard a topic on the radio yesterday that asked what if you got a decrease in pay at your job and they paid you only 60%-70% of what you make now, would you still do it or would you throw in the towel and quit? I guess it comes down to if you love it or not. I mean, I know we all gotta pay the bills, but I think if you really loved it you would find a way, even if you had to get a secod job.

But I ask you, what is worth doing for free? In fact, is there anything you do that you beleive enough in that you would actually do it even if it cost you?

Food for thought.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Two thoughts running through my heart and mind lateley: Surrender and faithfulness. You can run them together or take them as 2 different concepts. I want to share this with you: 2 Timothy 2:13 If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is." Wow, that is pure gold. Take refuge in that.